TBO Tek raised a total of Rs 1,550.81 crore from investors and opened its issue on May 08. The allotment of TBO Tek will be finalised on Monday, May 13. Here’s a step-by-step guide to check the allotment:
Step 1
Search Kfin Technologies on your search engine
Step 2
Open the website of Kfin Technologies and hover on the ‘Products’. Now, in the drop-down menu go to the investors section and click on the IPO allotment status or click on Kfin Technologies.
Step 3
Fill in all your details – the company’s name and Application number/ Demat account/ PAN number (any of the three).
Step 4
Enter the captcha and hit the search button.
The refunds will be initiated on May 14 and shares will be credited on the aforementioned date.
TBO Tek’s issue information
The travel company set the price band in a range of Rs 875 to 920 per equity share, with 16 shares being the minimum in a lot aggregating to Rs 14,720. While for NII and QIB investors lot size is different.
About TBO Tek
The company is in the business of a travel distribution platform connecting customers and suppliers. TBO Tek simplifies the travel business through its two-sided technology platform.